Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.

  • Leigh & Bob Visit

    Amy’s friend Leigh and her husband Bob swing by for a visit: Leigh & Bob are expecting in January. There must be something in the water… Leigh helps place rescue dogs in homes, so she didn’t seem to mind Max’s constant requests for attention:

  • Asleep

    Here’s the Booger asleep on Grandmommy. She’s showing off her eyelashes:

  • Now Introducing: The “Bailey Roll”

    Got this one on video… It’s in QuickTime format… if the video doesn’t work in your browser, download QuickTime here: http://www.apple.com/quicktime/download/standalone.html

  • Tummy Time!

    Bailey has now mastered rolling over (back to front). Here she is after a successul roll:

  • Morning Swing

    From this morning… though it doesn’t look like it in this shot, Bailey loves to swing…

Got any book recommendations?