Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.
Christmas Day
And the rest of the family arrives… Here’s shots of everyone hanging around prior to dinner: Finally! It’s time to start opening more gifts!!! Here’s Bailey with her first Bible: With a new outfit, and laughing at her sound-activated Eeyore from Nana & Papa Jones (more on this later): And lastly, on her new pony…
Christmas PJ’s
After the gifts were opened, we Bailey put in her Santa Pajamas (thanks Jas & Mel!): Now… back to the gift opening… Bailey with her first piggy bank, & baby bowl w/spoon:
Christmas Eve
Amy’s parents had come by a couple of days prior to Christmas to help us with Bailey, and get everything ready for the impending guests (Nana & Papa Jones, Aunt GiGi and Uncle Tom). Since we had soooo many gifts under the tree, and they all seem to be for the same person, we decided…
Ideal Sleep Position?
Amy took these shots of the Booger just before nap time:
Weather Outside is Frightful
Well, not really… but we did lose power for a half-day: The loss of electricity didn’t seem to bother the Drool Queen:
Got any book recommendations?