Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.
Christmas II
After dinner there were more presents to open! Bailey seemed to enjoy opening the gifts. Here’s she is opening her gift from MamaResa and Daddy Joe: all right! it’s a purple outfit… from the picture, it looks like Bailey’s got a new favorite color: now, it’s time to open a gift from Grandma (Etta Mae):…
Dinner Again?
Yep… it’s the only time I seem to remember to pull out the camera… Here we are out to dinner at another local restaurant. This time Bailey was awake all through dinner, but entertained herself in her car seat for a good portion of the meal.
Sun Room I
Yet another prime photo op in the Sun Room: Mom and the Bug spending quality time:
Mom & Dad Arrive
Mom and Dad flew in to celebrate a belated Christmas and visit with their newest Granddaughter. Here we are out to dinner the evening of Mom & Dad’s arrival. The nice “glow” in the image is from me not cleaning the camera lens: Bailey with her usual pre-dinner nap (she wakens once the food is…
Bailey & Eeyore
Here’s a movie of Bailey cackling at Eeyore: The clarity of Bailey’s face was lost in the conversion to QuickTime format, but you can still hear her giggle in response to claps (Eeyore is sound-activated). Again, it’s in QuickTime format… if the video doesn’t work in your browser, download QuickTime here: http://www.apple.com/quicktime/download/standalone.html Post a comment…
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