Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.
I’m Ready for a Bath Mommy!
Here’s a cute shot of Bailey right before bath time… I take a lot of shots of the Booger, and over half are throw-aways, but this one was too cute to trash:
Dinner in Dahlonega
You can’t go to Dahlonega, GA without stopping by WAL-MART. Well… not really, but here we all are before dinner meeting in the parking lot: I know this sounds kind of odd, and I still don’t understand all the logistics, but this was one of the few ways the Grandparents and Great-Grandparents could get to…
Air Bailey
Bailey’s now mastered the use of her springing bouncy seat. Here she is in action:
New Year’s Eve
We went over to the neighbor’s home to ring in the New Year and brought the Booger with us. Here we are in Andrew and Lauren’s basement minutes before the Ball/Peach dropped:
The Morning After – Sun Room II
Mom decided it would be a good idea to put Bailey in her new purple outfit and have her pose in the Sun Room. I have to hand to Mom. With her old-school camera, she’s usually quite slow at pulling the trigger (she’d never make it as a NASCAR photographer). However, this morning’s photo shoot…
Got any book recommendations?