Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.
Bailey & the Rattling Armoire
OK… here’s more proof that Bailey’s not your normal child, and more evidence to back up my theory that Bailey is amused by all things that startle her. Last night, with Bailey practice “crawling” on the floor, I ran upstairs briefly to check my email. As I was coming back down the stairs. I heard…
Toe Eater
Bailey’s a toe-eater. She’s figured out how to pull off her socks so she can nibble on her little piggies. I guess this means she’ll also be a paste-eater / crayon-eater once she hits Kindergarten:
Bailey & the Flying Burp Cloth
OK… I dunno why, but Bailey seems to love being startled. She gets the biggest kick out of loud noises, or things that make her jump or blink. Here she is playing her new favorite game:
Now it’s Eat Time!
We’re transitioning the Booger to solid foods. Last week it was squash, this week carrots. Mmmmm… sure looks tasty doesn’t it? She’s doin’ well with the spoon, and seems to enjoy finally getting to eat like the big people. Now that she’s sitting in a high chair and eating, she’s almost like a “real” person:
Eat Time?
I guess this means my baby is hungry: Bailey loves her little Baby Einstein exer-saucer, but she insists on putting every toy in her mouth. Here another of her in the exer-saucer just playin’:
Got any book recommendations?