Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.
Bailey’s First Piano Recital
The Booger went to the Grandparents the weekend before last to play at the farm and practice piano. Here’s what she can do after only 1 lesson!
Bailey Sits Up!
OK… so she can’t crawl. However, she has learned to sit up on her own. Here she is in her room on her changing table with our “nanny” Yvette: look ma! no hands!
Bailey Can Crawl
No… no yet… but here’s some video of her progression:
Spring Cleaning?
Here’s Amy and Bailey cleaning up the backyard. Though it was cold out, Amy decided it was too nice a day to keep the Booger inside: Bailey seems to enjoy helping out…
n: repeated neglect of one’s blog. i thought that i had coined this term, but it appears others have used it as well. regardless, i apologize for the lack of posts. here’s some new pictures and video accumulated over the past month…
Got any book recommendations?