Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.
Bailey Plays Dress Up?
Again… this was Amy’s idea:
Bailey Loves to Eat
Bailey’s figured how to open her mouth when the spoon’s in front of her. However, you have to be fast at shoveling in the food ’cause she chomps down quickly. This is what happens when you’re not quick enough:
Bailey and Max at Play
Max will offer his toy to Bailey to try to get her to play. He’s surprisingly gentle with her, but he unfortunately loves licking her on the face:
Abby Loves Peanut Butter
Here’s some video of the Bailey / Abby encounter:
Bailey Gets a Weave
As we all know, Bailey’s lacking in the hair department. To compensate, while Aunt Gigi, Amy & Bailey were out shopping, they purchased some “instant hair.” Aunt Gigi and Amy laughed for hours after the purchase and during the photo shoot that followed (I believe they’re still laughing). Bailey, from seeing all the laughter, started…
Got any book recommendations?