Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.

  • Momma ‘Resa and Daddy Joe Visit

    Later that following week Mom & Dad dropped in to wish Bailey a happy birthday. And, of course, Bailey got to open more gifts! Here’s Bailey pretending she’s sweet and innocent prior to the gift openin’ session: A Ladybug purse! Perfect for the Bailey Bug: And another little outfit… thanks Mom & Dad:

  • Let the First Birthday Celebration Begin!

    Bailey with mom wearing her “1st Birthday” hat.  I guess the hat was too cute not to purchase…  seeing as we probably won’t get any more use out of it. Next, all smiles while opening gifts… Now it’s time for some birthday cake: Christy and Cooper join in on the action… Christy & Cooper AND…

  • Bailey Feeds Herself

    She’s almost a year now so she should be able to hold her own bottle and feed herself. Here’s her first attempt… she’s so proud of herself…

  • Bailey After Bathtime

    Amy took these shots of Bailey wrapped in her bunny towel…

  • Father’s Day!

    We headed up to Amy’s parents for a Father’s Day celebration. Here’s Granddaddy, Great Granddaddy (Papa Jones), and Great Grandmommy (Nana Jones) with Bailey: Opening gifts… Bailey surveying her prey… She makes her move… Got ’em both… hogtied!!! With Grandmommy… And the gifts… Sweet hat… Murl’s gift… $$$… My first Father’s Day gift… Bailey and…

Got any book recommendations?