Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.
Bailey’s New Chair
Bailey loves her new seat in the living room: She rocks in it and tries to say “back and forth…”:
The Armoire Project
Aunt Gigi and Amy decided it would be a good idea to re-paint the armoire we have in Bailey’s playroom in the basement. What started as a 2 hour project, became a 2 day project. Though I don’t have any “BEFORE” pictures, I have some “DURING” and “AFTER” shots. Here’s the armoire stripped of its…
New Style?
I walked in Bailey’s room to get the Booger up from her nap… this is what I saw: I guess it’s how all the toddlers are wearing their shirts these days… the pose here is hilarious… very latino gang-ish… ¿Hey ese, que tranza? and now, more posing… but more properly dressed…
The Door Opener
We’re in trouble now…
Playtime Around the House
The reason for these pictures? Not sure… I think Amy took them because she thought Bailey looked cute in her new outfit. Let hope this trend of picture-taking doesn’t continue 🙂
Got any book recommendations?