Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.

  • Cookies for Santa…

    Poor thing… she tries so hard to talk, but can’t seem to get the words to come out right. Amy swears she hears the jumbled phrase “cookies for Santa” in this clip… but I dunno… you be the judge:

  • Christmas Eve

    Bailey returned home from VA only to find more gifts to open. So we celebrated Christmas Eve with Grandmommy & Grandaddy:

  • Matching Outfits = No Group Photo

    Momma ‘Resa had sewn all the granddaughters dresses, and found matching “farm outfits” for the grandsons. The idea was to get all the grandchildren together to pose for a group photo. Ummm… well, at least we got them to all play in the same room: “I just want to go out and play in the…

  • Bath Time at the Farm

    Since swimming in the pool doesn’t really count as a bath, Amy & Chris dumped Bailey & Riley into the tub:

  • Christmas at the Dittrich’s II

    Enough with the tour of the farm. Let’s get down to business! Now it’s time for some good ‘ole stocking opening and gift unwrapping… Amy, Spencer, Bailey & Riley with nervous anticipation: let’s not forget about Julia: Bailey opening her stocking: My favorite pic ‘o the day: and the rest of the family opening their…

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