Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.
Bailey Bling
When Aunt Gigi and Amy get bored, poor Bailey suffers. Here’s Bailey again with her “instant hair” but also sporting new costume jewelry found in her stocking: And since dressing up Bailey wasn’t enough for the girls, they took their boredom out on the kitty.
Aunt Julie & Cousin Ella Visit
More family stopped by after Christmas to exchange gifts. Bailey had a great time opening gifts and playing with her cousin Ella. Bailey wrapped up in her new blanket (thanks Julie & Ella!): Bailey shows Ella how effective the “silly face” can be during photo sessions:
It’s About Time… for Some Blog Updates…
Yes! Bailey’s still alive and kicking. I have many pictures to prove it. We’ll start with Bailey’s visit with the Grandparents last month. Enroute, Bailey stopped by to see her Great Grandmother “Nana” Lunsford: though Amy & I weren’t there for the visit, Bailey was evidently free entertainment for everyone. After, Bailey received ANOTHER Christmas…
Missing Christmas Photos – Found!
From Aunt Chris: Hey, Jeff and Amy. I ran across some cute pics of Bailey to send along. If I find anymore on Darren’s computer, I’ll send those too. Thanks for the pics Chris… they’re awesome! Let me know if you find any more.
Christmas Day – Finally!
Booger, not having enough gifts from the night before, gets to open more gifts Christmas morning (Bailey = Spoiled): Now, after the Jones clan has arrived and eaten, it’s time to pose for some glamour shots; Bailey shows Aunt Gigi and Uncle Tom how to feed her new baby doll: and poses with her bounty:…
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