Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.
Water Babies!
We had some friends over for Memorial Day. All the babies wanted to try out Bailey’s pool yet not everyone had bathing suits. Time to go skinny-dippin’…
Bailey’s New Pool
Since Bailey loves the water, Amy bought the Booger her own pool. Once Bailey saw it, she couldn’t wait to get in. Oooops!!! Be careful….
Off to the Atlanta Botanical Gardens
Amy & I had never been, so we thought it’d be a good idea to take Bailey (Mom & Dad) to the Gardens for a visit. Here’s Bailey’s new favorite thing to do… ride the escalator: Water! Bug Sculpture? Orchids!
Bailey & Max Wrestle
Bailey and Max are the best of friends. Think Dobermans are mean? Come meet Max: Now, for the takedown:
The GA Aquarium
From the GA Aquarium website: “With eight million gallons of fresh and marine water and more aquatic life than found in any other aquarium…” So when Mom and Dad came to Atlanta for a visit, we had to go. Here’s the entrance with some tunas: And Bailey with the Jellies: Now, the big tanks… I…
Got any book recommendations?