Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.

  • Carnies!

    Baily loves the carnival / fair. Every year it comes to town we HAVE to go… NASCAR! Boarding the ferris wheel…

  • Broken Collarbone?

    It looks fine to me… just rub some dirt on it… Bailey explains what happened…

  • Bailey’s Birthday Party at Monkey Joe’s

    Bailey’s perfect day consisted of slides, then sugar, then more slides… Bailey wasn’t quite sure what to think of Monkey Joe at first… But she warmed up to him real quick after he gave her a t-shirt and went down the slide… the gang…

  • Bailey Turns 3!

    A surprised birthday girl awakens from her nap to find the family wearing silly hats… Can I wear a silly hat too? Let’s open them presents! All this for an accordian? Can I have some Birthday cake PUH-LEEEASE?!?!? All right! Some chalk for the sidewalk… thanks Mommy ‘Resa and Daddy Joe! If it’s soft or…

  • Swim Lessons!

    How old are you? Still two? Well that’s old enough to learn to swim… Waiting her turn… Learning to kick…

Got any book recommendations?