Category: Jeff

  • Christmas at the Dittrich’s

    We went up to Mom & Dad’s for Christmas to introduce Bailey to all her aunts, uncles, and cousins, and to see the farm. Welcome to the village of Curtis, VA – Population: 2 (Mom + Dad): Bailey loved running and playing in the fields on the farm: and having mommy give her a walking…

  • Trick-R-Treatin’

    Bailey got go out trick-or-treating for Halloween! Here she is showing off her new Halloween gift from Aunt Gigi… a bag to hold all the candy: Here we are enroute to our first victim’s house: Ummm… can I get some candy? Awww… forget the candy… let me just pet the puppy!

  • Halloween Re-visited!

    We’ve had tons of images just sitting aroung on the camera for quite some time… I’m finally getting around posting them… sorry for the delay! To start, the Friday before Halloween, the neighbors had a Halloween Shindig (costume required). Though most of the good images had been mistakenly deleted from my camera (I’m unsure of…

  • Pumpkin Patch Pickin’

    There’s an abandoned gas station near the front of our neighborhood that’s been taken over by a Petting Zoo / Outdoor Furniture / Pumpkin Patch. We went to go play and pick up a pumpkin… Here’s Bailey surrounded by baby pumpkins: Next, it was time to pet the bunnies: and swing on the swing… OK…

  • New Style?

    I walked in Bailey’s room to get the Booger up from her nap… this is what I saw: I guess it’s how all the toddlers are wearing their shirts these days… the pose here is hilarious… very latino gang-ish… ¿Hey ese, que tranza? and now, more posing… but more properly dressed…