Category: Family
Here’s the Booger asleep on Grandmommy. She’s showing off her eyelashes:
Pre-Christmas Photos
Amy and Aunt Gail dressed Bailey up for a “professional” photo shoot for our Christmas cards (coming soon to a mailbox near you). I had to get some pre-shoot pics of Bailey in her Christmas gear. Here’s the Booger with Aunt GiGi, wrapped in multiple burp cloths to prevent unwanted “dress drool:” Now, time for…
For Thanksgiving, we went to Amy’s aunt Shirley’s home. Here’s Aunt Shirley with the Little One: Bailey’s become an accomplished fist-eater. She won’t take a pacifier, but will use her hands instead… A couple more photos of the Bug being held by Grandmommy: and… a couple with Grandaddy: Once the food was served, the camera…
Burial Site
After the funeral and the meal, we travelled back out to the funeral site. Here’s Aunt Jana, Mom, Daddy King & Aunt Karen over Momma King’s resting place:
Post Funeral
After the funeral, the church had prepared a meal and a place for the family members to gather. I wanted to take a shot of all the food but would have needed a panoramic lens. Here are Darren, Jason & I: and with cousins Deena, Amber & Heather: and yet another of the cousins taken…