Category: Family

  • Dinner Again?

    Yep… it’s the only time I seem to remember to pull out the camera… Here we are out to dinner at another local restaurant. This time Bailey was awake all through dinner, but entertained herself in her car seat for a good portion of the meal.

  • Sun Room I

    Yet another prime photo op in the Sun Room: Mom and the Bug spending quality time:

  • Mom & Dad Arrive

    Mom and Dad flew in to celebrate a belated Christmas and visit with their newest Granddaughter. Here we are out to dinner the evening of Mom & Dad’s arrival. The nice “glow” in the image is from me not cleaning the camera lens: Bailey with her usual pre-dinner nap (she wakens once the food is…

  • Christmas Day

    And the rest of the family arrives… Here’s shots of everyone hanging around prior to dinner: Finally! It’s time to start opening more gifts!!! Here’s Bailey with her first Bible: With a new outfit, and laughing at her sound-activated Eeyore from Nana & Papa Jones (more on this later): And lastly, on her new pony…

  • Christmas PJ’s

    After the gifts were opened, we Bailey put in her Santa Pajamas (thanks Jas & Mel!): Now… back to the gift opening… Bailey with her first piggy bank, & baby bowl w/spoon: