Category: Family
Bailey Gets a Weave
As we all know, Bailey’s lacking in the hair department. To compensate, while Aunt Gigi, Amy & Bailey were out shopping, they purchased some “instant hair.” Aunt Gigi and Amy laughed for hours after the purchase and during the photo shoot that followed (I believe they’re still laughing). Bailey, from seeing all the laughter, started…
Future’s So Bright…
Aunt Gigi stopped by for a visit and brought a pair of sunglasses for Bailey. Here’s Bailey modeling the latest in baby eyewear and waving to the camera:
Bailey’s First Piano Recital
The Booger went to the Grandparents the weekend before last to play at the farm and practice piano. Here’s what she can do after only 1 lesson!
Dinner in Dahlonega
You can’t go to Dahlonega, GA without stopping by WAL-MART. Well… not really, but here we all are before dinner meeting in the parking lot: I know this sounds kind of odd, and I still don’t understand all the logistics, but this was one of the few ways the Grandparents and Great-Grandparents could get to…
Christmas II
After dinner there were more presents to open! Bailey seemed to enjoy opening the gifts. Here’s she is opening her gift from MamaResa and Daddy Joe: all right! it’s a purple outfit… from the picture, it looks like Bailey’s got a new favorite color: now, it’s time to open a gift from Grandma (Etta Mae):…